


Health and Safety Risk Assessments:

Possible Audio ideas and assets that can be used in our Radio programme/ideas for sound effects/audio:

Sound Effect ideas - YouTube (click the link here.)

Key personnel list: 

Location Recces: 

Location #1 At home 

As our Radio Programme is going to centralised about a young teenage girl; at this age, she would be living in with her parents and in some scenes where she texts her 'boyfriend' she will be in her room. At home, in her room, she will have her own privacy and all of the stuff that goes down in the programme happens unbeknownst to others around her. Recording sounds at home, such as the clanking of pots for dinner being made, the girl running down the stairs, the sound of her shutting the door to leave to school in the early morning. We can also get silent scenes in our rooms as it would be shut off from the rest of the house and would be perfect for scenes where we would like to create tension. 

At School #2

Our main protagonist attends school. During some hours, the school halls can get quite loud and very busy; to simulate and make the atmosphere as if the main character is as school I believe recording the school once everyone is leaving their lessons we can record the noise to use in our documentary to help the listeners get the familiar feeling of being in school as they would recognize the general atmosphere by just listening to the background audio.Crucible Park #3

As we're recording in the spring, the audio we would capture in the park work have more life such as the sounds of birds chirping and also since more people would be coming to the park because of the nice weather we would capture more background noise from the people in the park such as happy cheering; we could also get sounds of the swings creaking more easily, as you would barely be able to hear the strong winds whilst opposed to recording the sounds in the winter time.

The School Gallery #4

The school gallery is a quiet and secluded area in the school; if we need to record dialogue for our documentary or want to create other types of audio without any background noise then the gallery would be the best place to be. Without any disturbances, we can record all of our parts for the Radio programme and also create other kinds of sounds with other objects efficiently. 

Priestley Gardens (Roads) #5

When school time ends, we could record the busy outside streets as everyone would only just be leaving for school and the roads would be busy so we could get the sound of the engines of cars driving by to generate the idea of trying to rush out of school and leave.

Production schedule: 


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