
 We are using a variety of licensed music in our Radio programme that we do not own the rights to. So it can be aired live on air, we will need to get a grant so we are able to use these pieces of music freely in our radio programme without getting into any legal channel to pay for the licensing for all of the music.

To legally broadcast on an FM frequency, we need to gain a license so we can do so. So we can do so, we will need to gain a grant so we can afford to have our programme broadcasted 

For our Radio Programme, we are going to try and get sponsored by Childline and/or Kidscape. Both companies support children and young people in the UK; promoting our radio programme through these support companies will help encourage children to go to someone for help if they find they are struggling. These companies can also promote our radio programme as an example of a situation a young person may find themselves in and what will happen if a child is found out to be abused and what do do in this type of situation.

Our Radio Programme will be advertised on Social Media platforms such as: TikTok and Instagram. We are particularly aiming our radio programme at young teenagers as a large audience of 13-16 year olds have got a social media account/use social media and they are more likely to find out about our radio programme and where to watch it on an advertisement on TikTok or Instagram. Our advertisement will consist of a short snippet of a tense part of our radio programme to try and intrigue and draw listeners into watching the show. It will also be advertised on the schedule of 'Chadwell Radio's' website so people will know when it will be airing.
