P2 Describe the focus of a chosen radio station

BBC Radio 4 - listening figures

BBC Radio 4 is a British national radio station owned and operated by the BBC. They broadcast different types of spoken-word programmes , such as news,drama,comedy,science and history from BBC's  headquarters and Broadcasting Houses,London.

BBC radio4 is known to broadcast the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man and the Channels Islands on FM, LW and DAB and on BBC sounds. This can be delivered in the eastern countries of Idle of norther France and Northern Europe.

Radio 4 broadcast was first aired  on the 30 September 1967 which means 57 years ago. BBC Radiop4 is funded by the UK license fee which doesn't allow them to re-broadcast them from other countries but only some areas close to the UK.

 The Demographics of Radio4

The target audience  for Radio 4 listeners is 56 yeas old or more. They got 11.5 million listeners to Radio 4 each week 21.2% . In  terms of gender 4% male/51%female. The target audience for ABC1 IS 35-54 years  they make up to 24% of the audience . As the station makes more upmarket bias -75% of those turning in a fall into the ABC1 demographics  .

This are the  the statics that emphasis the listeners figures  they got. And as we can see from the image above  they got 10.8 million.

 Radio JOINT audience Research 

 As we know in the UK, consumers from one of the three higher social and economics groups, which  is part of people who have more education and better-paid jobs than those in  other groups . AB1 REA


BBC radio has prayer for the Day as part of they schedule which is  presented in the morning for the religious people such as Catholic and Christians( They give you spiritual reflection to start your day with the Father John )

BBC Radio also present religious things during Sundays such as:

-Unique bible translation

-Sunday Jerusalem

-How do you take an outdoor religious celebration indoors?

This shows how BBCradio4 has different things for different religion .

 BBC Radio4 has different schedules  when it comes to distributing it during the day some of them are:

-Today(News about the current affairs  like sports Desk ,Weather ..at 6:00 )

-Room5( Is a programme for people who likes health and wellbeing)

-The Political Butterfly Effects (Factual politics genre. )

National and international news from BBC radio4  is the second new presented at 12:00

Then after 4 minute they tend to present a drama in order to get more audience  engage as people tend to like more drama and novel during the time of lunch break.

They also present  weather in order to inform people about any weather change  during the day. Which is another great way to get people to know the way the weather will change during the day or morning  . 


In order to get more people and listeners they set news as more people are done from work or driving back home. 

Tudor Owen  (is a factual)

The Archers (Drama soaps )

In order to keep the  the station going they also go late  night things in order entertain people .
 This include
- Midnight news
-Coming of Age
-Shipping Forecast


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